Yerel Halkla Uyum Sağlama

by Melek

This weekend, sonunda kendime verdiğim sözü tuttum ve Joanna'nın önerdiği Margate'deki bir yürüyüş grubuna katıldım.. Ve gri havaya karşı neşeli insanlarla yürürken, I realised that I was just doing at that time what I had really wanted to do for long time.

As I walked by the sea taking deep breaths and feeling how my leg muscles were working hard, I felt so healthy and so optimistic that shortly after, the optimistic feelings based on my physical side started to affect my mind as well. Suddenly, I found myself talking to those who are native English speakers! Please do not ask me how it happened because I cannot answer you but, surprisingly it happened itself!?

It was really an enjoyable opportunity for me, who had not had any English friends and did not have the self confidence to talk to English people – of course, I do not count my ex and current English teachers here –; to practice English. Ok, I am confessing that this walking experience became more enjoyable after I learnt that one of the participants thought that she had Turkish blood and has been looking for her relative from the father’s side of her family tree.

Maybe thanks to this interesting coincidence, but definitely because of these friendly people, I’d like to join the group again next weekend.

If you are also interested in this walking activity, which is organised by NHS volunteers to be fit while you are making friendship, here is some information for you:

Our route which was from Margate, High Street to Westgate last weekend, will be from the same place to Palm Bay next Saturday. Meeting place is Yamas Cafe in the High Street and time is 11.15 a.m. For further information you can visit

Who knows, maybe the next walk will take you to an unknown relative!?;

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